Volunteers 2024

Thank you for taking an interest in helping to inform the students about the real world of Engineering - Read on -
and or offering consultancy type advice the KCLEA (go to end of the page )..

There is an Urgent need for Mentors for the Success for Black Engineers Scheme -

You would mentor one or more students approximately once a month between October 2024 and June 2025,
giving them insight into industry, guidance on career paths and answering any questions. Training and resources will be provided

Read about the Scheme!!!!

SFBS_Industry_Mentoring_Scheme_Flyer_24-25.pdf thumbnail
Icon SFBS Industry Mentoring Scheme Flyer 24-25.pdf  

If you can help - please fill in this form 

This is a very important part of Kings work to get the best students regardless of background as a reponse to the Hamilton Commission 

Please reply by 13 October - queries to blackengineers@kcl.ac.uk

(if there are more potential Mentors than Students
- we will look to asking you to help with other Activities across BMEIS and Department of Engineering )

Although KCLEA main operations are for the benefit of its members, over the past 50 years KCLEA members have given useful advice
and support to students and kept a close relationship with the staff. In today's ever changing world that is even more important
– to ensure that today's graduates are well grounded in the practicality and vastness of engineering
and where engineers work -like finance , and also that those practising whether in Engineering or a range of other careers,
are aware of the knowledge students gather at Kings and how (and what) they think…

Over networking at KCLEA Events we hear so many different and interesting stories about peoples careers and life

So can you give up and evening or two or a bit of time during the day to do some activities with Students
– we would really welcome you giving up your precious time.

These ideas are still being developed and KCLEA Committee would welcome your thoughts on how KCLEA
should be serving Undergraduate and PhD Students and the staff, research and courses.

So, what is wanted? - a lot is just showing the students the breadth of what is Engineering
and how those with Engineering Degrees can work in a wide variety of other industries.

So you need to be able to use your career experiences and knowledge acquired at and more importantly after your time at Kings
– to help the students work out what their first few steps after graduation –
and how their experiences in as well as knowledge gained from the courses will be very useful to them.
In many ways just get students to think (differently)!!

We are looking for people who have at least 3 years and ideally about 10 to 30 years of experience
– but a few wise members who have more experience and a refection as to how the world has changed are often popular!

It may also be that talking with the students makes you think as well!!

Those that engage with students often find that they benefit from picking up modern trends
and also gain from being questioned and thus thinking differently on their daily work or careers.
Although you are giving your time and experience – you are also gaining in your career development and see a broader view of the world.

Look at the sorts of opportunities we are offering you – not every role is suitable for every KCLEA member
- and KCLEA is always looking for members to lead these activities

– so you may find yourself redefining the Activities with Students thus rewriting what is done – and thus this page!!!

From talking to the Staff in both the Department of Engineering and The School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science,
and the Students of KCLES and other groups the following key categories of formats have been developed.

Fireside chats

This just you and say a dozen or so students …. in a quiet corner – and after finding out what subject /background they are from …
give short account of your career path say for no more than say 5 mins – and then seek a conversation from them
– both with you and between themselves for about an hour or so
developing more about why and how your career progressed and or how Industry works.
– imagine you have a cup of tea or may be something stronger to sip at …
and then afterwards perhaps linger a few minutes to chat to a few students.

From knowing your background, the organizer may suggest a few topics you might like to work into your chat
– after all that's why you were selected to do it. ….. Very succinct story telling.

Speed dating

This is a far more rapid operation where you are confronted by say half a dozen students and they have about 7 or 8 minutes
to question you before you move onto another group …. A sort of "step and repeat" say 6 times with 2 mins to move and get settled
– and then about and hour informal networking afterwards over refreshments.

The purpose of this is to improve the students' questioning skills as much as passing on information
–they will have been given short Biographies, so you don't really have to do much introduction
– But then the questions come fast – and you need to ensure that no one hogs the questioning …
And that your answers are short – after all you can talk to them in the face-to-face networking afterwards!! – a different form of interaction .

KCLEA tries to give the members who are taking part some time before the Speed dating to network and find out each other's back ground
– and there is networking afterwards – including the students.

Short Lectures 
this is about the only occasion in an Activity where you speak for more than a few minutes without interruption!!!
They need a bit of preparation , but death by "powerpoint" is not encouraged …. But a good lively discussion afterwards is!

If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – president@kclea.org.uk or use the contact form 

Assisting with project work

– this covers a lot of different tasks / roles required using specialised knowledge or just a lot of practical engineering or business sense.
Looking at some roles – these are mostly in person.

If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – president@kclea.org.uk or use the contact form 

– at the moment this is growing in our priorities through the Sucess for Black Engineers scheme – but is more "efficient " for one KCLEA members to address a number of students, but with KCL Staff Guidance this is something KCLEA members could do.
We are not looking for you to be a specialist - more a trusted generalist in engineering through you experinces and knowledge.
It is hoped that KCLEA will in a few years' time offer mentoring to recent graduate KCLEA members – just to provide a listening ear and wise questions, advice and support to enable Kings Engineers to become established in the industries of their choice – including perhaps changing industries.

It is hoped that KCLEA members will support and advise others through the networking opportunities that will be developed.

One off /ConsultancyAdvice

Although the KCLEA committee expect that it will have enough expertise within the Executives and the leaders
who are running KCLEA Communications, Events  Activities Membership etc , -
(Please consider getting involved in these continuing roles)

But there are areas where a direction needs to be found, second opinion sought or just someone to act as a sounding board for an idea,
and perhaps just a bit of work to get things started – hence us seeking those we can call on for a bit of consultancy.

It is realised that KCLEA may require advice which is not readily available from its members – but they may know someone who can give help
– such as others where they work. It would be especially useful to have this large group of people the KCLEA could call upon.

How often does saying I don't know the answer myself but I know someone who does! Increase your standing amongst your team!!

At the moment and as the new executives and leaders start work , it is clear that there are questions like …..
how do we make best use of a linked in Group? how can we get best from a webcast on Zoom?

 how can we get Salesforce to be our CRM systems (or is there something better?) , how do other Alumni Associations work ?
…. for which having a better answer will help KCLEA grow.

As KCLEA forms its new structure we may need a few members to help with rewriting the constitution – the operational manual for how KCLEA works!

And of course we are always wanting suggestions of what KCLEA should be doing for its members and in the world.

Just get in touch president@kclea.org.uk or use the contact page