13 Club Trophy

A trophy, named 'The '13' Club Trophy', is awarded to the 'finals' year, either past or to come, whose record of reunions at K.C.L.E.A. functions and at special gatherings of its members is judged to be the best during the preceding year. The trophy is a statue of 'Reggie' suitably mounted on a pedestal.

13 Club Trophy

The following is an extract from the conditions for the award of the 13 Club Trophy:

  1.  The '13' Club Trophy is awarded to the 'Group' of old King's Engineers whose record of reunions during the preceding year at K.C.L.E.A. functions and    special gatherings of its members is judged to be the most meritorious
  2.  A 'Group' may consist of a number of Engineers who were of the same Year at King's, or a number of King's Engineers residing in the same locality, e.g.   a town or county or a foreign country
  3.  The award is made annually by the K.C.L.E.A. Committee whose judgement is final.
The full history and conditions can be found here.

With respect to the award criteria, over the years the scope of the award has been broadened to allow the Trophy to be presented to former Engineering students who have made significant achievements in their professional or personal life, have raised the profile of King's Engineering or have given significant service to King's Engineering or the KCL Engineers' Association.

Another change that has, reluctantly, been made is that the trophy should remain in KCLEA custody in the future and that recipients should be given a medal as a permanent personal memento instead. This decision was taken because of the increasingly international nature of the former student body and, hence, the possible increasingly international spread of recipients of the Trophy, making the dangers and difficulties of allowing the trophy to travel far from London, significant issues.

The Trophy itself would be exhibited at the Trophy presentation and all KCLEA functions.